What It Means To Serve

“While it is your soul that brings you to read this book and study these teachings, you still are blocked from your full potential of soul enlightenment. You must work very hard and overcome many obstacles to develop your soul and go higher. Think of it this way: visualize stairs and see your soul stepping from one step to a higher step until you get to the top. This is the doorway to soul enlightenment. Then, of course, there is a new set of stairs. These new stairs represent an even higher level of cultivation of the soul. These stairs are for mind enlightenment and body enlightenment.

This is the true purpose of your soul journey in this lifetime. As you come to truly, deeply bring these teachings into your heart, you will feel blessed, for your journey now has clarity and purpose. You are beginning to wake up. The road in front of you is now clearer in your mind. Your soul feels excitement. You are coming home.”


“You are but a tiny pebble in the great pond of this universe. Yet, as you drop into the pond and make even the tiniest movement, the entire universe changes. Think of this carefully and look deeply into my meaning here. On the one hand, I am saying the level of your soul is that of a baby compared to that of the enlightened masters in the heavenly realms. And yet, on the other hand, I am saying your tiny soul creates ripples in the entire universe. You are both.

If you want to be of true service, if you want to make a difference in this world in this time of chaos and struggle, make a tiny shift in yourself. Do this first. Do this by bowing down to God and telling God directly how grateful you are for this human life. Bow down to all souls. From your heart, ask for peace, wisdom and kindness to exist for all souls in all directions and in all realms. Let your heart and your mind open to serve all souls’ light in this manner, for it will help them on their journeys. This is deep service.

This deep and quiet service that I share with you is called yin service. There is no plaque on a wall or any announcement of good deeds done. Rather, this service is quiet. It holds greater purity and that is why we call it yin service. It brings great rewards that we call virtue.”


“The yang service is the outer actions or words or deeds that are more public and seen by others. This, too, is important for different reasons. The primary virtue here is gained because you are sharing with others. For those souls who need to live more in the physical world, and need to hear the teachings in the physical world, for them you must share in a physical manner. You can do this in many ways. You can write books or articles. You can speak directly to another. You can teach. You can offer money for good causes like food and shelter for the poor.

Yet the most important quality to share is what I call ‘soul food.’ It is sharing with your words how you are touched in your heart when you connect with the Divine. It is sharing with your words how deeply my teachings have helped you to transform your life. It is sharing your own personal and direct experiences that brings tears to your eyes. People who hear these words will feel the ripples in their hearts. In this manner you are causing transformation to begin within them. This is the deepest service. You are helping other souls to find their way.

Connecting with many souls is living in divine relationship. By living each day and each hour in this manner, you will also change the level of your own soul. Your soul will evolve and move up the stairs that I described to you. Remember, this stairway exists only while you are in this human form. That is why this human life is so very precious.”

Excerpts from Living Divine Relationships
by Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha
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