Each soul is blessed with unique gifts and life purpose, along with an intrinsic desire to serve, so we’ve created this community center to support you in YOUR service.

Heart Centered Integrative Wellness

Join us for a free night of amazing healing. Come experience the power of Tao techniques that can help you on your path to feeling better. Join us on Zoom, we'd love to have you!

Men’s & Women’s Circles

By popular demand, we have created an exciting new support system for men and for women, to help further develop the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine in each of us.

Group Sessions

No matter where you are in the world, you can now experience the transformative power of Tao Calligraphy. We are excited to offer weekly sessions via Zoom, providing an immersive opportunity to connect with the Tao Calligraphy Ten Da Source Field. These group sessions allow participants to tap into profound healing, balance, and inner peace from the comfort of their own homes, making this powerful practice accessible to a global community.

To join a session…

  1. Click on the “Book” button

  2. Select a date on the calendar

  3. Select the time of the session

Personal Consultations

If you are interested in private consultations with one of our Tao Hands practitioners and trauma healing experts, we invite you to connect with us. Our practitioners bring a wealth of knowledge, experience, and compassion to help you overcome blockages in health, relationships, and finances while supporting your emotional and spiritual growth.

Please subscribe to our newsletter.

It is essential for us to stay connected in order to continue elevating our collective consciousness.