Jay Dubois
Anthropology, PhD
Shaman of 20 years
Published author
Founder of Sacred Brotherhood
Using his 10+ year career as a professor of gender, race, and human interactions, Jay Dubois weaves together his knowledge of human societies with his passion for service, healing, and storytelling to deliver inspirational knowledge in the classroom and at the Heart Center. With over 20 years of experience as a shaman and working with Jesus as his primary guide and teacher, he brings his connection to powerful guidance through channeled wisdom and powerful messages that heal and set at ease those who visit the Heart Center, both through our group experiences and with clients one-on-one.
He has a passion for men’s work and co-creating a masculinity that supports not only men, but their partners, families and communities. He brings his insight into relationships and helps men better more fulfilled by becoming more emotionally aware, grounded, and internally aware. Moreover, he is the founder of the Sacred Brotherhood men’s support circle in Southern California, which supports men in co-creating a more conscious and emotionally aware masculinity. He is the proud co-creator, with Howie Leang and Ivo Banaco of the Heart Center’s Divine Masculine men’s group.
He loves to spend time strolling beaches and climbing mountains with his friends and family, and processing emotions with his partner and clients. Jay is the co-author of Unlocking Light, the vulnerable and inspiring story of 5 practitioners of healing and transformation for anyone looking for a way out of their suffering.