Ten Da Source Field
In Chinese, “Da” means “Greatest”. The 10 Da are the “10 Greatest Qualities” that every person can develop in their lifetime. We all carry these qualities within us, but most of us have deep blockages preventing us from fully tapping into them. By learning the secrets to developing these qualities through Tao Calligraphy, we can access deeper layers of our own gifts, abilities, and potential.
Da Ai
Greatest Love
Melts all blockages
Da Kuan Shu
Greatest Forgiveness
Brings inner joy and inner peace -
Da Ci Bei
Greatest Compassion
Boosts energy, stamina, vitality and immunity -
Da Guang Ming
Greatest Light
Transforms all life
Da Qian Bei
Greatest Humility
Prevents and transforms ego -
Da He Xie
Greatest Harmony
The secret of success
Da Chang Sheng
Greatest Flourishing
The resources to serve more -
Da Gan En
Greatest Gratitude
The key for progress
Da Fu Wu
Greatest Service
The purpose of life
Da Yuan Man
Greatest Enlightenment
The ultimate achievement in one’s life