Winnie Chan Wang
Certified Tao Hands Practitioner
Tao Calligraphy Practitioner
Certified Tao Calligraphy Field Messenger
Winnie Chan Wang is a mindfulness and traditional medicine expert, international speaker, bestselling author, and a professor in acupuncture at the Alhambra Medical University. In her private practice, Winnie applies integrative medical approaches (acupuncture, mindfulness training, and reiki) to help her clients reduce fatigue, pain, anxiety, fear, and worry.
Winnie is the queen of compassion and transformation, using both science and spirituality. She is passionate about teaching people how to release the trauma from their bodies. She believes wellness belongs to everyone regardless of income level, and provides free resources online for everyone to access.
Winnie embodies compassionate transformation by standing powerfully in her authenticity. Her clients often have anxiety and depression, and feel stuck in their physical or emotional pain. When Winnie guides her clients through shadow work, when they integrate their darkness with their light, they turn their wounds into power. This journey allows them to shift from being a victim to being the author of their life. In her book “Honoring Darkness”, co-authored with Ji W. Choi, doctoral candidate in psychology, Winnie and Ji dive deep into their own traumas and share how they made lemonade out of life’s lemons. The book inspires readers to transform their darkness, such as grief, anger, and fear, into trust and purpose.
Winnie holds a Masters of Science degree in Oriental Medicine from Alhambra Medical University. She is the recipient of the President's Award for academic excellence and the Internship Award for her dedication in the TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) clinic. Before starting her traditional medicine business, Winnie earned dual bachelor of science degrees in Computer Science and Finance from MIT, a master of science degree in Integrated Marketing from NYU, and has worked on Wall Street. She is a doctoral candidate in Integrative Medicine and is currently based in Los Angeles, California.
In her spare time, Winnie is a spiritual student. She enjoys reading and meditating on the Bible every day. She is also a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher, and a certified Tao Healing Hands and Tao Calligraphy practitioner as taught by Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha. She has a daily sunbathing ritual where she lies in the sun like a lizard and does absolutely nothing but receive the source love.